
Ziua Domnului

O Doamne Domnul meu,

Aceasta este ziua ta,

Ritualul ceresc de odihna,

Usa deschisa de inchinare,

Dovada invierii lui Isus,

Pecetea Sabatului care are sa vina,

Ziua cand sfintii razboinici si triumfatori

        se unesc intr-o cantare nesfarsita.

Te binecuvantez pentru pentru tronul de har,

caci aici domneste privilegiul fara plata;

caci intrarea este deschisa prin sangele lui Isus;

caci perdeaua este rupta si pot intra in locul preasfant

     si sa te aflu gata sa asculti,

     asteptand sa arati indurare,

     invitandu-ma sa-mi vars amarul,

     incurajandu-mi nazuintele,

     fagaduind sa-mi dai mai mult decat pot cere sau gandi.

Desi chiar daca te binecuvintez, rusinea si confuzia  imi sunt partea,

Imi amintesc rea-folosinta lucrurilor sfinte,

inchinarea mea ireverenta,

Lipsa mea josnica de multumire,

Inchinarea mea rece si obtuza.

Stropeste Sabaturile trecute cu sangele curatitor al lui Isus,

si fie ca ziua de azi sa marturiseasca o adanca schimbare in mine.

Da-mi din plin binecuvantarile pe care Ziua Domnului e menita sa le ofere;

Fie ca inima mea sa fie cu totul impotrivita gandurilor si peocuparilor lumesti;

Inunda-mi mintea cu pacea care intrece orice pricepere;

     fie ca meditatia mea sa fie dulce,

     inchinarea mea plina de viata, libertate si bucurie,

     bautura mea izvorul care curge din tronul tau,

     hrana mea Cuvantul tau pretios,

     apararea mea scutul credintei,

     si inima mea mai legata de Isus.


The Lord’s Day,

O Lord my Lord

This is thy day,

the heavenly ordinance of rest,

the open door of worship,

the record of Jesus’ resurrection,

the seal of the sabbath to come,

the day when saints militant and triumphant

unite in endless song.

I bless thee for the throne of grace,

that here free favour reigns;

that open access to it is through the blood of Jesus;

that the veil is torn aside and I can enter the holiest

and find thee ready to hear,

waiting to be gracious,

inviting me to pour out my needs,

encouraging in my desires,

promising to give more than I ask or think.

But while I bless thee, shame and confision are mine:

I remember my past misuse of sacred things,

my irreverent worship, my base ingratitude, my cold dull praise.

Sprinkle all my past sabbaths with the cleansing blood of Jesus,

and may this day witness deep improvement in me.

Give me in rich abundance

the blessings the Lord’s Day was designed to impart;

May my heart be fast bound against wordly thoughts or cares;

Flood my mind with peace beyond understanding;

may my meditations be sweet,

my acts of worship life, liberty, joy,

my drink the streams that flow from thy throne, my food the precious Word,

my defence the shield of faith,

and may my heart be more knit to Jesus.


Datatorule a tot ce e bun,

Siroaie peste siroaie de dragoste imi inunda calea,

M-ai faurit din nimic,

m-ai chemat dintr-o tara-ndepartata,

m-ai trecut din ignoranta spre cunostinta,

din intuneric spre lumina,

din moarte spre viata,

din suferinta spre pace,

din neintelegere spre intelepciune,

din eroare spre adevar,

din pacat spre victorie,

Multumire-ti fie adusa pentru inalta si sfanta ta chemare,

Te binecuvintez pentru ingerii tai care ma slujesc,

pentru mangaierea din cuvatul tau,

pentru hotararile din biserica ta,

pentru invatatura Duhului tau,

pentru sacramentele tale sfinte,

pentru comuniunea sfintilor,

pentru partasia crestinilor,

pentru exemplele scrise de vieti sfinte,

exemple dulci care ne atrag,

pentru lumini indrumatoare nedemne de urmat.

Voia ta  se face in tot ce oferi,

sa-mi dea putere sa cresc in har,

si sa ma intalnesc cu eterna-ti prezenta.

Credinta-mi nascuta in ceruri imi spune ca voi vedea vesnic,

nasterea din nou o promisiune a vietii vesnice. tu te vei apropia de mine.

Iti cer, stiind ca tu deja mi-ai dat.

Ma incred in tine, caci tu m-ai mantuit.

Te binecuvintez si te ador pe tine, Dumnezeule vesnic,

pentru mangaierea acestor ganduri,

si bucuria acestei sperante.

ma apropii de tine stiind ca si

Giver of all good,

Streams upon streams of love overflow my path,

Thou hast made me out of nothing,

hast recalled me from a far country,

hast translated me from ignorance to knowledge,

from darkness to light,

from death to life,

from misery to peace,

from folly to wisdom,

from error to truth,

from sin to victory,

Thanks be to thee for my high and holy calling,

I bless thee for ministering angels,

for the comfort of thy Word,

for the ordinances of thy church,

for the teaching of thy Spirit,

for thy holy sacraments,

for the communion of saints,

for Christian fellowship,

for the recorded annals of holy lives,

for examples sweet to allure,

for beacons sad to deter.

Thy will is in all thy provisions

to enable me to grow in grace,

and to be meet for thy eternal presence.

My heaven-born faith gives promise of eternal sight,

my new birth a new pledge of never-ending life.

I draw near to thee, knowing thy will draw near to to me.

I ask of thee, believing thou hast already given.

I entrust myself to thee, for thou hast redeemed me.

I bless and adore thee, the eternal God, for the comfort of these thoughts,

the joy of these hopes.


Marele Dumnezeu

O, sursa a tot ce e bun,

Distruge in mine orice gand care se inalta,

Frange-mi mandria in bucatele si arunc-o in vant,

Nimiceste orice incercare a mea de a ma baza pe propria-mi neprihanire,

Fa-ma cu adevarat sarac in duh,

Coboara-ma pana la dezgust si oroare de mine insumi,

Deschide in mine o fantina de lacrimi de parere de rau,

Frange-ma iar apoi inlantuieste-ma,

Caci numai asa inima mea poate fi un loc pregatit pentru Dumnezeul meu,

AtuncipoateTatal sa locuiasca in mine,

Atunci poate binecuvantatul Isus veni cu atingerea lui tamaduitoare,

Atunci poate Duhul Sfant sa coboare si sa-mi dea har pentru sfintire;

O Sfanta Treime, trei Persoane si un Dumnezeu,

Locuieste in mine, un templu consacrat slavei tale.

Cand esti cu mine, raul nu poate salasui,

In partasia cu tine bucuria este deplina,

Ascunsa in zambet este o constiinta impacata,

Langa tine fricile nu ma ajung,

Nelinistea nu imi ocupa mintea.

Cu tine inima imi infloreste cu miros placut,

Fa-ma umil prin pocainta, ca sa poti locui in mine.

Nimic nu e mai mare ca puterea ta,

Nimic nu e greu sa poti face,

Nemarginita ti-e puterea, fara margini ti-e dragostea,

nelimitat ti-e harul, slavit ti-e numele mantuitor.

Sa cante ingerii pentru

Pacatosi care se pocaiesc,

Fii risipitori care se intorc,

Cei care au cazut si au fost ridicati,

Cei eliberati din legatura Satanei,

Cei orbi carora li s-au deschis ochii,

cei cu inimile frante care au fost legate,

Cei deznadajduiti care au fost consolati,

Cei care care se cred neprihaniti si au fost descoperiti,

Crestinii de forma eliberati din refugiul minciunii,

Ignorantii luminati,

Si sfintii intariti in credinta lor.

Cer lucruri mari de la un Dumnezeu mare.

O fountain of all good,

Destroy in me every lofty thought,

Break pride to pieces and scatter it to the winds,

Annihilate each clinging shred of self-righteousness,

Implant in me true lowliness of spirit,

Abase me to self-loathing and self-abhorrence,

Open in me a fount of penitential tears,

Break me, then bind me up;

Thus will my heart be a prepared dwelling for my God;

Then can the Father take up his abode in me,

Then can the blessed Jesus come with healing in his touch,

Then can the Holy Spirit descend in sanctifying grace;

O Holy Trinity, three Persons and one God,

inhabit me, a temple consecrated to thy glory.

When thou are present, evil cannot abide;

In thy fellowship is fullness of joy,

Beneath the smile is peace of conscience,

By thy side no fears disturb,

no apprehensions banish rest of mind.

With thee my heart shall bloom with fragrance;

make me meek through repentance, for thine indwelling.

Nothing exceeds thy power,

Nothing is too great for thee to do,

Nothing too good for thee to give.

Infinite is thy might, boundless thy love,

limitless thy grace, glorious thy saving name.

Let angels sing for

sinners repenting,

prodigals restored,

backsliders reclaimed,

Satan’s captives released,

blind eyes opened,

broken hearts bound up,

the despondents cheered,

the self-righteous stripped,

the formalist driven from a refuge of lies,

the ignorant enlightened,

and saints built up in their holy faith.

I ask great things of a great God.

Vointa divina


Ma sprijinesc in tine; Vad, cred, traiesc, cand voia ta, nu a mea, se face;

Nu gasesc nimic in mine sa ma faca vrednic de merit si har,

Sa ma faca vrednic de providenta si promisiunile tale, nimic in afara de buna ta placere.

Daca mila ta m-ar face sarac si netrebnic, fii binecuvintat!

Rugaciunile izvorite din nevoile mele sunt pregatiri pentru milostenii care au sa vina;

Ajuta-ma sa te slavesc crezand mai inainte de a simti,

caci mare este pacatul daca fac simtamintele cauza credintei mele.

Descopera-mi pacatele care te ascund de mine si iti ascund dragostea;

Ajuta-ma sa ma umilesc pentru relele facute, si sa pot decide a umbla cu mai multa grija,

caci daca nu umblu in sfintenie inaintea ta, cum as putea fi sigur de mintuire?

Cei blinzi si umili carora le descoperi legamantul tau,

care-ti stiu voia, ei sunt iertati si vindecati,

Cei care prin credinta depind si se odihnesc in har,

Cei care sunt sfintiti si insufletiti, cei care iti exemplifica dragostea.

Ajuta-ma sa ma rog in dragoste si astfel sa-ti aflu voia,

sprijinindu-ma din plin pe mila ta cea bogata si gratuita,

crezand ca tu vei implini ce ai promis;

Intareste-ma sa ma rog asigurat fiind ca orice primesc este darul tau,

ca sa ma rog pana rugaciunea imi este ascultata;

Invata-ma sa cred ca mila ta in orice masura se naste din citeva nivele de rugaciune,

Ca atunci cand se naste credinta, ea este imperfecta si trebuie sa creasca,

precum pamantul uscat se crapa tot mai larg pana la venirea ploii.

Astfel voi astepta si eu voia ta, ma voi ruga sa se implineasca, si prin har voi deveni ascultator.

O Lord,

I hang on thee; I see, believe, live,

when thy will, not mine, is done;

I can plead nothing in myself

in regard of any unworthiness and grace,

in regard of thy providence and promises,

but only thy good pleasure.

If thy mercy make poor and vile, blessed be thou!

Prayers arising from my needs are preparatios for future mercies;

Help me to honor thee by believing before I feel,

for great is the sin if I make feeling a cause of faith.

Show me what sins hide thee from me and eclipse thy love;

Help me to humble myself for past evils, to be resolved to walk with more care,

For if I do not walk holily before thee, how can I be assured of my salvation?

It is the meek and humble who are shown thy covenant,

know thy will, are pardoned and healed, who by faith depend and rest upon grace,

who are sanctified and quickened, who evidence thy love.

Help me to pray in faith and so find thy will,

by leaning hard on thy rich free mercy, by believing thou wilt give what thou hast promised;

Strengthen me to pray with hte conviction that whatever I receive is thy gift,

so that I may pray until prayer be granted;

Teach me to believe that all degrees of mercy arise from several degrees of prayer,

that when faith is begun it is imperfect and must grow,

as chapped ground opens wider and wider until rain comes.

So shall I wait thy will, pray for it to be done, and by thy grace become fully obedient.


Trei in unul, unul in trei, Dumnezeul mintuirii mele,

Tata ceresc, Fiu binecuvantat, Etern Duh Sfint,

Te ador ca fiind o Fiinta, o Esenta, un Dumnezeu in trei Persoane distincte,

Fiindca ii aduci pe pacatosi la cunostinta de Tine si imparatia Ta.

O Tata, m-ai iubit si l-ai trimis pe Isus sa ma mintuiasca;

O Isuse, m-ai iubit si ti-ai insusit natura mea,

Ti-ai varsat propriul singe ca sa-mi speli pacatele,

Ai intocmit neprihanirea ca sa-mi acoperi lipsa mea de merit;

O Duhule Sfint, m-ai iubit si ai intrat in inima mea, si ai sadit acolo viata vesnica,

Mi-ai revelat slava lui Isus.

Trei Persoane si Dumnezeu unul, Te binecuvintez si te slavesc,

pentru dragostea-ti atit de nemeritata, atit de greu de pus in cuvinte, atit de minunata,

atit de capabila sa mintuiasca pe cei pierduti si sa-i invieze in slava.

O Tata, iti multumesc ca in plinatatea harului Tau, m-ai daruit lui Isus,

Sa fiu turma Lui, giuvaerul Lui, partea Lui;

O Isuse, iti multumesc ca in plinatatea harului m-ai primit, m-ai adoptat, si m-ai legat;

O Duhule Sfint, iti multumesc ca in plinatatea harului

Mi l-ai aratat pe Isus mintuirea mea,

Ai semanat credinta in mine,

Mi-ai imblinzit inima incapatinata,

Si m-ai facut una cu El pentru vesnicie.

O Tata, tu esti pe tron si imi asculti rugaciunile,

O Isuse, iti intinzi mina spre cererile mele,

O Duhule Sfint, esti binevoitor sa-mi ajuti slabiciunii mele,

Sa-mi arati care-mi sunt nevoile,

Sa-mi daruiesti cuvintele,

Sa te rogi inlauntrul meu,

Sa ma intaresti ca sa nu obosesc in mijlocire.

O Dumnezeule, trei in unul, care conduci universul,

Mi-ai poruncit sa cer acele lucruri care privesc imparatia Ta si sufletul meu.

Ingaduie-mi sa traiesc si sa ma rog ca unul botezat in numele cel de trei ori sfint.

Three in One, One in Three, God of my Salvation,

Heavenly father,, blessed Son, eternal SPirit,

I adore Thee as one Being, one Essence,

one God in three distinct Persons,

for bringing sinners to thy knowledge and to thy kingdom.

O Father, thou hast loved me and sent Jesus to redeem me;

O Jesus, thou hast loved me and assumed my nature,

shed thine own blood to wash away my sins,

wrought righteousness to cover my unworthiness;

O Holy Spirit, thou hast loved me and entered my heart,

implanted there eternal life,

Revealed to me the glories of Jesus.

Three Persons and one God, I bless and praise thee,

for love so unmerited, so unspeakable, so wondrous,

so mighty to save the lost and raise them to glory.

O Father, I thank thee that in fullness of grace

thou hast given me to Jesus, to be his sheep, jewel, portion.

O Jesus, I thank thee that in fullness of grace thou hast accepted, espoused, bound me;

O Holy Spirit, I thank thee that in fullness of grace thou hast exhibited Jesus as my salvation,

implanted faith within me, subdued my stubborn heart, made me one with him forever.

O Father, thou art enthroned to hear my prayers,

O Jesus, thy hand is outstretched to take my petitions,

O Holy Spirit, thou art willing to help my

infirmities, to show mw my need,

to supply words, to pray within me,

to strengthen me that I faint not in supplication.

O Triune God, who commandeth the universe, thou hast commanded me to

ask for those things that concern thy kingdom and my soul.

Let me live and pray as one baptized into the threefold Name.

Valea vedeniilor

Doamne, inalte si sfinte, blind si umil,

 Tu m-ai adus in valea vedeniilor,

Unde traiesc in adincimi dar Te vad pe Tine in inaltimi,

Ingradit de munti de pacate Iti privesc gloria.

Ajuta-ma sa invat paradoxul

Ca drumul de jos inseamna drumul in sus,

Ca a fi smerit inseamna sa fi inaltat,

Ca inima frinta este o inima vindecata,

Ca duhul frint este un duh care se bucura,

Ca sufletul care se pocaieste este sufletul victorios,

Ca a nu avea nimic inseamna sa ai totul,

Ca a purta crucea inseamna a purta cununa,

Ca a da inseamna a primi,

Si ca valea este locul de viziune.

Doamne, in timpul zilei stelele se vad din cele mai adinci fintini,

Si cu cit sunt mai adinci fintinile cu atit sunt stelele mai stralucitoare,

Ajuta-ma sa gasesc lumina Ta in intunericul meu,

Viata Ta in moartea mea,

Bucuria Ta in necazul meu,

Harul Tau in pacatul meu,

Bogatiile Tale in saracia mea,

Slava Ta in valea mea.

The Valley of Vision

Lord, high and holy, meek and lowly,

Thou hast brought me to the valley of vision,

Where I live in the depths but see Thee in the heights;

Hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold Thy glory.

Let me learn by paradox

That the way down is the way up,

That to be low is to be high,

That the broken heart is the healed heart,

That the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit,

That the repenting soul is the victorious soul,

That to have nothing is to possess all,

That to bear the cross is to wear the crown,

That to give is to receive,

That the valley is the place of vision.

Lord, in the daytime stars can be seen from deepest wells,

And the deeper the wells the brighter Thy stars shine;

Let me find Thy light in my darkness,

Thy life in my death,

Thy joy in my sorrow,

Thy grace in my sin,

Thy riches in my poverty,

Thy glory in my valley.

Texte puritane

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Aceste texte sunt rugaciuni din lucrarile urmatorilor autori puritani: Thomas Shepard, Thomas Watson, Richard Baxter, John Bunyan, Isaac Watts, William Williams, Philip Doddridge, William Romaine, David Brainerd, Augustus Toplady, Christmas Evans, William Jay, Henry Law, and Charles Haddon Spurgeon.